Talking to non believers, just like a intellectual disscussion

How do you talk to non believers or those of other faiths?

I approach this in a way that you would talk to anyone about anything else. Just like talking about something you saw on Facebook or YouTube. Tell them in a general way that is not aggressive or assertive and high light your own curiosity that was aroused by it. Then show them a picture that is worth a thousand words and then the scripture.

No reasonable person can deny photographic evidence that matches the word describing from 2000 years ago!

Yeah maybe the ones who want to lie to themselves, just like lying about Angel Food Cake being sent from heaven and it won’t stick to your rump! LOL LOL

Tonight I went to a Thai food place and some how got on the conversation of religion and faith. The young Thai boy mentioned how these Christians came in and talked his leg off about GOD. Well I never liked to be force fed anything myself so I talked to him about how I am Christian also and that one time I went to a questioning of Faith, like we all do.  During this time I still attended a bible study hosted at out church and it was amazing, I now will never ever question my faith again. I know for sure A BIBLE BASED/ READING/ LIVING CHURCH IS THE BEST and not manipulated.

So I explained to him that in this Bible study I was pointed out scientific facts and discoveries that validated the Bible and his interested peaked. I even told him if you don’t believe me ‘Google ” it. Now that’s serious business there.

But here buddy let me show you two real quick on my phone and you can see for your self.

I mentioned to him “Did you know there is a snake with feet?” … No way? Really?

Yes! It is even validated in the bible look at this pic and then I will show you the Bible verse…  (CREEPY I KNOW)

Video of Snake with Feet

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The verse for the curse of Snakes to have no feet

So the LORD God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.

Noah’s Ark



The Real Noah’s Ark Found Documentary Film!

Bible Study over Noah’s Ark with Scriptures

Read more I CHALLENGE YOU TO OPEN AND READ YOUR BIBLE. Don’t just sit there and hope for someone to read it or quote it accurately to you. Get off your spiritual potato couch and read. I gave you starter points to start digging and I challenge you to find more ways the Bible is validated through science today. Comment below!
